I hate the feeling of looking at a full container of food expire in my food pantry or fridge, but unwilling to risk food poisoning, the food ends up at the bottom of my trash every time. BUT, the Expire Esquire is here to compile some of the most effective food storage tips. Let’s jump straight in:
- Refrigerate: Flour, Nuts, Veggies for Immediate Use, Apples, Grapes, Jams, Nut Butters, Tortillas, Cooked Foods, Sprouts, Eggplant, Berries, Broccoli, Carrots, Celery, Leafy Greens
- Freeze: Ginger, Meat, Yeast, Veggies for long-term storage, Avocados
- Freeze In Resealable Bags: Leftovers ie. Chili, Vegetable Lasagna, Tofu Curry, Falafel Fritters
Photo Credit: Tiefkuehlfan https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Krisenvorsorge.JPEG
- Store In Air-tight Glass Containers: Sugar
- Leave in Room Temperature: Tomatoes, Watermelon, Potatoes, Onions, Coffee, Garlic, Honey
- The clip ends and is stored in a glass container with some water: Herbs ie. Parsley, Basil, Thyme
- Hang Bananas above other fruits
- Puree very ripe or soft fruits and veggies
- Ensure the refrigerator is below 40 degrees Fahrenheit
- Regrow vegetables from your throw-aways
- Store Lettuce in Aluminum Foil
Photo Credit: Lewis Ronald https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Aluminium_cooking_foil.jpg
- Presoak berries in vinegar
Monday Campaigns, 10 Ways to Make Your Food Last Longer, https://www.mondaycampaigns.org/meatless-monday/10-ways-to-make-your-food-last-longer
Buzzfeed, 24 Genius Ways to Make Your Food Last So Much Longer, https://www.buzzfeed.com/francinehendrickson/ways-to-make-your-food-last-longer
MoneyTalks, 9 Ways I Extend the Shelf Life of My Food Stockpile, https://www.moneytalksnews.com/how-i-extend-the-shelf-life-of-my-food-stockpile/